Monday, April 25, 2011

A little easter weekend perspective...

A little perspective...
Sometimes we take for granted those we have closest to us. We spend so much time seeing their faults that we forget all the good that's in them.

This past weekend was about seeing the good in-spite of the not so good around us.  I saw the love and generosity in my husband, the selflessness of my parents, the bigheartedness of Sammy and the grace that my brothers share with each other and those around them. I am overwhelmed and blessed beyond belief.

Here are a few pics of our Easter dinner. Enjoy!


  1. Beautiful pictures,Gorgeous family and delicious food!! Looks like you guys had a blast! ...The love of a family is life's greatest blessing. =)

  2. Beautiful words as well as pictures

  3. so cute! sometimes we need a little perspective, we get to consumed with life's little problems

  4. Andrexy- thank you! we did have a great time and I could not agree with you more that the love of family is life's greatest blessing

    Ricardo- thank you

    fitnesslabrat- I agree with you. We often forget to take a step back and see the bigger picture.

    Thank you guys for your comments and support. It means a lot!
